We at B.O.S.S. Digital Marketing™, LLC believe that most business owners who use social media as an integral part of their marketing strategy usually see measurable results. But the key to successful social media is to not treat it as an extra appendage but to treat it with the same care, respect, and attention you do all of your marketing efforts.

Don’t Let your Social Media Account Run Stale
One of the biggest mistakes business owners make is to open up accounts on every social media platform they think is relevant and then leave them alone with no activity. Having an account with any of the social media platforms does not mean your business is into social media any more than owning golf clubs makes you ready for the PGA. In fact, social media users are turned off by the retailer who opens accounts and does not engage with clients and the public and consequently become labeled a pretender. The reality is, it is better to not have a social media icon on your website if you are not going to actively engage with it—and actively means on a daily basis.

Be Sure To Tap Into The Customers Needs
The other big mistake retailers make is to use social media to talk about what is important to them rather than talking about what is important to the customer. As a retailer, you may think it is great to shout that you have a sale going on; and in some regards, this would be true. But, if that’s the only reason you are getting involved in social media it won’t be beneficial. Your goal should be to provide content that is relevant to your customer and engage with them to the point that they want to share your post with others.If you use social media you need to engage with your customers, involve them in a dialogue, and ask them for their opinions. Post a picture of two items you are considering carrying in your store and ask customers which one they like best. This creates a dialogue which leads to shared posts which leads to engaged followers. Plus, if you follow this example, it will also lead to enhanced margins because your back and forth conversation will prevent you from buying the item that won’t sell as well.

Don’t Neglect To Have Great Imagery
Another thing to consider is that the most commonly-shared content on social media is an image. So, always include an image with your posts. This will dramatically increase your chances that one of your followers will share the post with their network. While building up a large network of followers is great, ultimately what you want is to have your followers—no matter how many you have—share what you’re posting with their network, and those people will share your post with their followers, and so on. This is the new form of “word of mouth” and it’s what people mean when they say a post went “viral.”
- Social Media
B.O.S.S. Digital Marketing™, LLC can help you use Social Media to enhance your marketing strategy as well as bring traffic to your business and website.Social Media»
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- BrandingB.O.S.S. Digital Marketing™, LLC want your Name, Logo, Identity, Colors, Marketing, and Strategy to be a clear representation of your brand and connect with your users. Your Brand is your companies theme.
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Well simply put this is chess not checkers we can help you strategically make sure your doing all that you can to get your business to reach the masses. It’s easy to have a great idea but you need to be able to maintain all of these aspects collectively. We can help you manage this by taking a look at what your company currently has in place.Strategy & Consulting »
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